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This Spells Love Book Review

Written by:

The Candid Bibliophile

Published on:

July 26, 2024

Updated on:

August 21, 2024

Why you can trust my book review on This Spells Love

While preferences in books are widely subjective, I tried to come up with a methodology for rating romance that focuses on the elements of the genre. My rating and review are based on how well This Spells Love incorporates all of those elements. While I can't promise complete objectivity, you can trust that my rating and review are not completely biased.

Summary of This Spells Love

Gemma Wilde lived a comfortable life. She had a job that pays good money, a best friend that never failed to be there for her, a dutiful big sister who was always ready to comfort with donuts, and an eccentric aunt armed with steady solid advice (even if it is often delivered in odd ways). When Gemma’s long-term relationship ended, she turned to her sister, aunt, and best friend for comfort. Her sister comforted with margaritas and her aunt comforted with unconventional advice in the form of a spell that would erase Gemma’s ex from her life. Her best friend, Dax, comforted her with soft lips to land on?

When Gemma woke up the next morning, she quickly realized that the spell had worked… a little too well. Not only was her ex erased from her life, but so was her life as she knew it. Now she had to navigate an alternate reality where the only things that were the same were her dutiful sister and eccentric aunt. In order to get back the life she knew, she would have to reverse the spell that threw her into the alternate universe. Unfortunately that meant convincing Dax, who was not her best friend in this universe, to kiss her.

Judging the book by its cover

What is more intriguing than an ambiguously open ended question? An ambiguous front cover with an ambiguously open ended question! At the very least, it piqued my curiosity enough to read the synopsis. Heartbreak, the chance to have a do-over, and a ridiculously out of this world result all had me wanting to read more. This was one book cover that captivated my attention and enticed me to go beyond the cover to dive into the story.

My take on This Spells Love

Gemma Wilde is introduced to us as a creature of habit. Every Saturday she meets her older sister, Kiersten, at a donut shop that is the starting point for their weekly “walk and talks”. The fact that the book opens up on a random July morning should be considered foreshadowing that something completely out of the ordinary is going to happen to Gemma.

“So, are we solving today's problems with sugar or alcohol?”

At this point in the story, there’s nothing special about Gemma. She’s a twenty-something year old with a broken heart and a sugar addiction (we’ve all been there, right?). However, pair Gemma with her eccentric Aunt Livi and you get a much more interesting character. Indulging her aunt’s eccentricities (after having a few margaritas), Gemma agrees to perform a “love cleanse” spell. With the help of Aunt Livi, Kiersten, and her best friend, Dax, Gemma checks off each step up until the spell requires it to be sealed with a kiss. Gemma panics and doesn’t complete the spell until later that night.

The next morning, Gemma wakes up hungover and in a place she doesn’t recognize with someone she doesn’t know. This is where the plot of the book becomes completely unhinged. Gemma wakes up in an alternate reality where the only similarities to the life she knows is that her sister is still her sister and her aunt is still her aunt. However, she still remembers completing the spell in her real life by kissing Dax and thinking that she was going to wake up the next morning regretting it. The problem with this alternate reality is that when she goes to talk to Dax about it, he has no clue who she is and freaks out on her.

The scene of alternate Dax and the Gemma we know meeting is actually quite hilarious.  Gemma, of course, knows everything about Dax, but Dax knows nothing about Gemma in this reality (including the fact that she even exists). So when she shows up to his sneaker store, he rightfully freaks out. Talk about a wild first impression!

Honestly, Gemma’s further attempts to try to show Dax that they are friendship material are pretty psychotic. While I couldn’t help but appreciate her persistence, it was clear to me that there was no attempt to make this story even a little grounded in reality. Dax doesn’t even threaten to file a restraining order on her after the store fiasco or even after she shows up to another place she knows he’ll be. This may make him come across as extremely trusting, but to me it came across as a bit unassuming and naive. As a result, I had a challenging time connecting to Dax as a character.

Eventually (and not surprisingly), Gemma wins Dax over and we start getting to know Dax since we only got a small glimpse of him in the other reality. This does provide Gemma with an opportunity to see this Dax in a different light and she develops feelings that extend beyond friendship. This should be something that she should be able to freely explore given that this isn’t her reality and she’s trying to figure out how to get back to her reality. So the conflict she feels over crossing the line from friendship to something more feels extremely unnecessary to me.

While the book focuses on the Gemma we know and the alternate reality characters (Aunt Livi, Kiersten, and Dax), I couldn’t help but wonder what alternate Gemma and the characters we were first introduced to were up to towards the end. Spoiler: Gemma goes back to her reality and alternate Gemma presumably goes back to her reality. However, neither reality is the same after the spell is performed. So while we know what happens in the alternate reality, what happened in the reality we’re first introduced to?

I personally think this was a huge gap because the ending of the book was just too neat for such a wild story. We know what happens when our Gemma wakes up in the alternate reality, but what about alternate Gemma? We know that our Gemma left things in a really awkward place with our Dax, so what happens with our Dax and alternate Gemma when they interact knowing that alternate Gemma doesn’t know Dax in her reality? I was left with more questions than answers that made me feel like the ending was less of a resolution and more of a perfectly packaged ending. I do wish the alternate reality portion of the story was more fleshed out.

Despite the book having some room for improvement, it’s an extremely entertaining read. I thoroughly enjoyed the discoveries Gemma made about her love life and how this experience shaped her future. The story is creative, salacious, and a very quick read.

Who should read this book?

Anyone wanting to escape from reality should absolutely read This Spells Love. I won’t deny that this book won’t be for everyone, but those looking to be entertained by a quirky, out of the ordinary rom-com should definitely give this book a chance.

This Spells Love


Kate Robb


The Dial Press, an imprint of Random House

My rating:


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